S_WhipLash also features a nice soft bounce stop, a smooth finish or a snapback at the end of the transition. At its core S_Whiplash is a brand new transition that mimics a lighting quick camera pan, blending multiple copies of an image together so it appears as if a great distance is traveled in a short amount of time. It has some amazing new functionality and features that will undoubtedly make it the Sapphire transition of choice. Sapphire WhipLash is a “sister effect” to one of the most popular Sapphire transitions, S_SwishPan.

Watch this short video to learn more about Sapphire PixelSort. Combine it with other Sapphire effects for a truly original effect, and use it as a transition to up production value in any edit. PixelSort is also available inside Sapphire Effect and Transition builder. It’s a fun new way to distort your image in a multitude of different ways and features many deep parameters to produce some stunning results. PixelSort is a fantastic new Sapphire effect that grew up in the modern digital “glitch art” movement. Watch this introductory video to get up to speed on how to use this amazing new tool. Finally, 27 new professionally designed presets have been added. A new lens flare “component” workflow allows artists to easily and intuitively build a complex flare from scratch and helps reveal the power and flexibility of Sapphire’s flare engine. The preset browser is now integrated directly inside the Flare Designer, making accessing and modifying lens flare presets a breeze.

The Flare Designer is greatly improved and enhanced to increase the ease of use and expand its functionality.

LensFlare and the Flare Designer are redesigned and reimagined. Key features include a totally revamped and enhanced LensFlare and Flare Designer, new PixelSort digital glitch art effect, new WhipLash transition, new animating shape tool for Effect and Transition Builder, new Mocha Essentials workspace with new spline tools like magnetic edge snapping, and is optimized for maximum CPU and GPU performance.

Sapphire 2019 is the latest major upgrade for the legendary suite of VFX plug-ins. Boris FX Sapphire Plug-ins for Adobe / OFX 2019.52 | 213/212 Mb